Hitch's candor about 'Tippi'

Here is a tidbit that was new to me, regarding Hitch comparing 'Tippi' and Grace. It appears on the AMC blog as a promotional buildup to this week's Alfred Hitchcock Marathon:

"When you watch The Birds tonight on AMC, remember that this was Tippi Hedren's breakthough movie: she really owes her career to Alfred Hitchcock, who compared her to Grace Kelly when he told Look, ''Tippi' has a faster tempo, city glibness, more humor. She displayed jaunty assuredness, pertness, an attractive throw of the head. And she memorized and read lines extraordinarily well and is sharper in expression.'"

Hitch's candor and generosity of opinion regarding his actors and the Hollywood scene stands in such refreshing contrast to the gladhanding BS that most actors and directors engage in today.

