I hardly feel qualified to accept them. Due to a series of events, some wonderful, others unfortunate, I have had to take a break from blogging, tweeting and otherwise participating in the online jam session that is Web 2.0. Nevertheless, Alexis, on her cool, intelligent and oh-so-geeky Ingrid Bergman Life and Films blog saw fit to award me, not one, but two sweet trophies.
The Splash Award is offered from one blogger to another, for “alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs.” Adds Alexis, “Thanks for all of your support and your amazing work! I am glad to have found a fellow geek on Blogger and Twitter!”
Rules for the Friendly Blogger Award are so simple, they are contained in the very name itself. It’s simply a great way to share the love. As Ms. Bergman once said, “Be yourself. The world worships the original.”
Alexis, thank you so much for your thoughts, for your kindness and for stopping in from time to time to say hi.
By the way, it feels great to be back. Watch this space for a few random thoughts on Stage Fright and some choice phrases from fellow Hitchcock Geek Camille Paglia.
The Splash Award is offered from one blogger to another, for “alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs.” Adds Alexis, “Thanks for all of your support and your amazing work! I am glad to have found a fellow geek on Blogger and Twitter!”
Rules for the Friendly Blogger Award are so simple, they are contained in the very name itself. It’s simply a great way to share the love. As Ms. Bergman once said, “Be yourself. The world worships the original.”
Alexis, thank you so much for your thoughts, for your kindness and for stopping in from time to time to say hi.
By the way, it feels great to be back. Watch this space for a few random thoughts on Stage Fright and some choice phrases from fellow Hitchcock Geek Camille Paglia.