Thanksgiving message: a word from Alfred Hitchcock

Each year on Thanksgiving, Americans honor the noble creature that could have become our national bird—the turkey—by slaughtering 45 million of them for dinner. Stuffed, often with their own entrails, and then slowly roasted, deep-fried whole or smoked, they're a national favorite. Personally, I think they're best accompanied by a juicy Beaujolais, because the more you drink, the more turkey you can consume in one sitting, without getting up to walk around or even to put your fork down. (Just hold the bottle in your other hand.) I'm sure that if they could talk, turkeys would tell us how glad they are to be able contribute to the financial solvency of Pepto-Bismol.

Alfred Hitchcock, too, had a special fondness for our fowl friends, as this brief lecture from him shows. Think of it as a special Thanksgiving message:

"The turkey is traditionally the guest of honor at our Thanksgiving."
